Quotes of the day...

Monday, March 8, 2010

FS 2.3 Spring Is In the Air

Punxsutawney Phil may have seen his shadow but the groundhogs around here are out and about. Now that it is starting to warm up you can see them sunning themselves in the afternoon. So, spring is in the air and with it a get busy, get moving feeling. I was re-energised recently with a visit to a very curious little shop. From the moment I walked in and started speaking to the proprietor I found a little bit of everything that I seek. The shop was filled to brim with odds and ends that I found unique and inviting but the people and their stories, information and willingness to help really stuck with me.
After my outing I went home and dove straight into one of the books I bought that day. This is when things started coming around full circle. My creative muse jumped right out of the closet and bashed me on the head. I allowed her to scream at me just this once,"to stop making excuses, you know you can do this, and the ever so obvious Listen to your inner voice!" Because she is right.
It is a time to plant new seeds on more ways than one. As many of you know the gardening bug hits me pretty hard this time of year and this year will be no exception. I am already starting some plants inside. It is a time to push past the obstacles and negative influences in our lives. Do not give into doubt, rejection, or hurtful remarks. Hold close those near you who support and applaud your time, effort, and ideas. It is time to breathe new life into our everyday by trying fresh new things. So, I say ... go out on that limb and jump right off. Talk to those people who you think are unapproachable, they may surprise you.
So, here it goes my dear friends and readers. I am in the works of starting something wonderful. At this moment I am still getting it off the ground but I will keep you posted and hopefully soon will have a link to send you. All the best!---CK

1 comment:

  1. Yay for jumping off!! And, as my life seems to be in deepest grips of kismet right now, it's interesting the vibe of this post... if you could read what I wrote (but haven't yet posted) on Monday... I'll post that one soon, and you'll see... :) But, yeah, something in the air, this is the most "new beginning" spring I think I have EVER encountered. Please keep us "posted". :)
