Quotes of the day...

Friday, January 22, 2010

FS 2.1 Crossing the Line

A story I came across today forces me to cross the line. I told myself I would not post blogs that were either religious or political in nature or content. Knowing that these two subjects turn friends into enemies no matter how harmless the concern or idea.
Today BBC news has posted a story titled, "US Firm To Remove Biblical Reference On Gunsights"
Of course the title got my attention but as I read on I became fuming mad. Here I will break down my side of the story......

The biblical reference in question is written as follows...
2COR4:6 and JN8:12 if you can read that clearly I would like to point out that the actual raised lettering is 2 times smaller and at the end of a stock number.

Trijicon, a company out of Michigan has been making products for the US military for over 20 years. They also supply the UK, Australia and New Zealand and yes the company is owned by a devout Christian. How offensive are these versus?
second Corinthians 4:6
6For it is the God who said, ‘Let light shine out of darkness’, who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.
John 8:12
12When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."

I don't know about you but I am not offended by these references at all. They may not be the versus I would choose to display but they are a message of hope and faith. My anger stems from political correctness once again taking away a selfless and human kindness act, a message of hope for those in a place that feels like hell. If anyone needs a message of hope and faith in a time of despair it is our soldiers serving on the front lines. Let us not also forget that 99.9% of soldiers bearing these arms had no idea that these coded references existed on their weapon sights until this story was posted. A particular 11Bravo very close to me included. As for why this story is coming out now after 20 years of people not noticing. Apparently weapons stolen and falling into the hands of our enemies have caused this insane act. So now because the same people shooting at our soldiers are offended we are suppose to change our ways.
Can I get a Whiskey Tango Foxtrot!!!

The shame on you list includes...
ABC news for bringing this one out in the open (first reports)
Welton Gaddy for your asinine quote "Images of American soldiers as Christian crusaders come to mind when they are carrying weaponry bearing such verses," Welton Gaddy said.
This is not a call for "onward Christian soldiers" Mr. Gaddy! No versus are actually written anywhere on the weaponry! Up until this story was broadcast the stamp on the sights 2COR4:6 and JN8:12 didn't mean anything to anyone except the people at Trijicon.
The Interfaith Alliance for claiming that the gunsights clearly violate the laws agains soldiers proselytizing in a predominantly Muslim country.
Can we take a poll and see just how many people were converted to Christianity from 2COR4:6 and JN8:12 being stamped on a weapon sight?

Just when exactly did Americans lose all self respect? Why do we decide to roll over and become everyone else's doormat? Why should we feel the need to cater to those who's goal is to harm and destroy us. From the eternal words of Theodore Roosevelt "The things that will destroy America are prosperity-at-any-price, peace-at-any-price, safety-first instead of duty-first, the love of soft living, and the get-rich-quick theory of life."

Let it be known that I am not an overly religious person. I simply stand up for people who are doing good deeds and getting punished for them. Hats off to the people at Trijicon for standing up for their morals and beliefs by placing a coded message that would stand out to those looking for it but not be noticed or offensive to those who do not. Trijicon has gracefully promised to not only stop stamping their message but also send out kits to remove the lettering. Is this the right thing to do? With the pressures and publicity this story has got I can understand their decision. Losing several government contracts could not do well for their business. On the other hand this does not change the fact that the message is out and that publicity alone may damage business for Trijicon. Our demand to make Trijicon stop stamping this code on the weapon sights they produce for our military is the same as slapping someone in the face when they say that they will pray, light a candle, or simply keep a loved one in their thoughts who is deployed with the military. ----CK

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